

  • 片名:不存在的朋友[电影解说]
  • 类型: 电影解说
  • 主演:
  • 导演:Mike,Inel
  • 年份:2015
  • 地区:美国
  • 热度:16
  • 收藏:911
  • 评分:8.0
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2024-07-07 01:07:02
  • 简介:  A little boy waits to meet his best friend to celebrate Halloween. When she at least appears, boy's mother makes a photo in her tablet and both walk house by house looking for trick-or-treat. Meanwhile he obtains several candies, she obtains no one, and he shares his candies with her, as well as both did the previous year. But when both come back to his home, he jokes with a man thinking that he's a fake doctor, taking a diagnosis paper from his hands, making that his mother runs behind her son. When accidentally the boy reads the diagnosis, he surprises with the words "Imaginary friend". Although the doctor and his parents says that she friend isn't true (showing him the photo of the tablet, where he's alone, instead with her at side of him), he claims her for real. After boy and girl run away returning to the hill, parents and police looking for the boy, making a macabre and unexpected discovery. Written by Chockys
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首页 电影解说 不存在的朋友[电影解说]


《不存在的朋友[电影解说]》  A little boy waits to meet his best friend to celebrate Halloween. When she at least appears, boy's mother makes a photo in her tablet and both walk house by house looking for trick-or-treat. Meanwhile he obtains several candies, she obtains no one, and he shares his candies with her, as well as both did the previous year. But when both come back to his home, he jokes with a man thinking that he's a fake doctor, taking a diagnosis paper from his hands, making that his mother runs behind her son. When accidentally the boy reads the diagnosis, he surprises with the words "Imaginary friend". Although the doctor and his parents says that she friend isn't true (showing him the photo of the tablet, where he's alone, instead with her at side of him), he claims her for real. After boy and girl run away returning to the hill, parents and police looking for the boy, making a macabre and unexpected discovery. Written by Chockys


  • 1980
    7.0 大门正明,屋良有作,长谷川初范,中山仁,石田惠理,萩原佐代子,佐原健二,石松葛兹,幸田宗丸,清水真由美,堀内正美,大林丈史,山本昌平,南利明,中山昭二,浜田晃,儿岛美雪,关敬六,远藤真理子,樱井浩子,菊池英一,鹤田忍
  • 1997
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  • 2022
    6.0 其原有沙,宫野真守,驹田航,滨田龙臣,石丸博也,石黑英雄,宇治清高,根岸拓哉,高桥健介,日野聪,森次晃嗣,真夏龙,叶山翔太,寺岛拓笃,畠中祐,小川辉晃,小野友树,内田雄马,刘明月,闫夜桥,赵震,齐斯伽,杉浦太阳,李兰陵,皇贞季,潘惠美,宝木中阳,诹访部顺一,郭盛,小池亮介,平田雄也,福山润,户松遥,藤新,叶知秋,图特哈蒙,七濑彩夏,安元洋贵,常蓉珊,高峰圭二,关智一,长谷川初范,薛城,李轻扬,曹云图,郝祥海,叮当,难波圭一,王晨光,林帽帽,佟心竹,乔菲菲,刘琮,金光宣明,三森铃子,张震,武内骏辅,樱井孝宏
  • 1972
    7.0 高峰圭二,星光子,瑳川哲朗,冬木透,蟹江敬三,片冈五郎,岸田森,小林昭二,近藤正臣,幸田宗丸,西惠子,筱田三郎,盐泽登代路,冲田骏一,山本正明,佐野光洋,梅津昭典,中山克己,北川阳一郎,清水綋治,草野大悟,大村千吉,团时朗
  • 2020
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  • 2009
    4.0 姚刚,杜敏赫,白凡,范雨林,刘春祥,常亮,李鑫雨,吴旗,李丞峰,崔维宁,吴建,金柯,孙嘉,刘文凤,杨雅絮,李丹军,张钰,李小辉,钟时,邵建,贺镪,周学志,吴刚,莫诗旎,张文秀,齐家伟,丁峰,方延广,陈学刚,王华山,王青青,刘笑虹,来群,陶艺,刘淑清,钟伟嘉,王虎,李邦禹,徐莉琴,于昕冉
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